Vénus - 1761 - Chelsea, Angleterre - Samuel Dunn - nationalité
La planète Vénus et son atmosphère
observée le 6 juin 1761 par Samuel Dunn.
© Gallica, BNF.
Some Observations of the Planet Venus, on the Disk ot the Sun,
June 6th, 1761 ; with
a preceding Account of the Method taken for verifying the Time of
that Phaenomenon ; and certain Reasons for an Atmosphere about Venus
: By Samuel Dunn, p. 190 bis.
Philosophical Transactions Giving Some Account of the Present
Undertakings, Studies, and Labours, of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable
Parts of the World, vol. LII, part I, For the Year 1761, London,
1762, p. 184-195.
© Gallica, BNF.