Vénus - 1874 - Eversleigh, Armidale - Belfield
2004 H.C. Russell,
Observations of the transit of Venus, 9 December 1874, made at stations
in New South Wales… under the direction of H. C. Russell, Sydney,
Charles Potter, 1892, in 4, pl.
© Bibliothèque de l'Observatoire de Paris.
Observations of the transit of Venus, 9 December 1874, made at stations in New South Wales… under the direction of H. C. Russell, Sydney, Charles Potter, 1892, in 4, pl
Rapports de Belfield et de Park.
Observations de Belfield.
PLANCHE Copie d'une photo prise par Janssen au moment du phénomène de la goutte noire.