2012, the transit of Venus in front of the Sun:
the map of visibility
Please, click on the map for the conditions of visibility
everywhere in the world.
- Areas 1, 2 and 3: the whole transit is observable: in the morning for area 1
and in the afternoon or evening for area 2. In the area 3, the transit will take place
during the Midnight Sun of the arctic regions.
- Area 4: the transit is not observable since the Sun is below the horizon.
- Area 5: only the end of the transit is observable: the transit starts when the Sun
is below the horizon and has begun before sunrise.
- Area 6: only the beginning of the transit is observable since the sunset will
occur before the end of the phenomenon.
- Area 7: the beginning and the end of the transit are observable but sunset following
by sunrise will occur during the transit.
- Area 8: the transit has begun at sunrise and sunset will occur before
the end of the transit. Only the central part of the transit will be observable.
The transit will start at 22h 05m on June 5 juin and will end at
4h 50m on June 6, Universal Time (plus or minus 5 minutes depending on the site of observation).
In order to know what you will see of the transit from your home,
please click here
, and you may
calculate the timing of sunset and sunrise at your address (in Universal Time)
by clicking here.
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last update: May 11, 2012
contact: vt2012 (at) imcce.fr