2004-2012: the transits of Venus The transits
of the XVIIth, XVIIIth and XIXth centuries
The CD Rom on the transits of Venus in the past
The observation of the transits of Venus has been a major
challenge for the astronomers of the past centuries: the goal was to measure
the solar system and, from that, the universe.
Then, it seemed to us, that it should be interesting
to make available to teachers, students, historians and to anayome intesrested,
the fac-simile of the texts relating the voyages, the observations and
the analyses, showing the encountered difficulties, the satisfactions and
deceptions of the astronomers of that time. More than 10 000 pages
of texts and images are available on this CD Rom.
One will find below a link to some of these texts and
a link to the summary of a CD Rom gathering such texts.
To order this CD Rom, please send a mail to vt2012(at)imcce.fr
or order it via
EDP Sciences.