Vénus - 1769 - Greenwich, Londres, Angleterre - Samuel
Horsley - nationalité anglaise
Venus observed upon the Sun at Oxford, June 3, 1769 : By Samuel
Horsley, LL.B. Rector of St. Mary, Newington, in Surrey, F.R.S.
Philosophical Transactions Giving Some Account of the Present
Undertakings, Studies, and Labours, of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable
Parts of the World, vol. LIX, for the Year 1769, 1770, p. 184 bis.
Observation des contacts de Vénus le 3 juin 1769,
avec le phénomène de la goutte noire.
© Reproduced by courtesy of the Director and Librarian,
the John Rylands University Library of Manchester.