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[   XVIIeme   |   XVIIIeme siècle   |   XIXeme siècle   ]


Chronological table of the voyages and observations of the XVIIth century

related to the transits of Venus in front of the Sun

This chronological table of voyages and observations related to the transits of Venus in front of the Sun do not intend to be exhaustive.

It provides the known list of voyages and observations according to the bibliographic resources of the library of Paris observatory. The amount of documents related to the transits of Venus is so large that all these documents may not have been studied. Other resources such as the scanned documents of Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Gallica) allowed to increase the number of references.

This table is organized by date of transit, then by country having ordered observations, then by site of observation and finally by name of astronomers in charge of the observations.
Some voyages are indicated without any link towards fac-simile. They are provided only for information. Interrogative points correspond to missing information.

Before the first observed transit of Venus


On the transit of Mercury observed by Pierre Gassendi in 1631

1639 Venus

On the transit of Venus observed by Horrocks and Crabtree in 1639



Site of observation



Before the first observed transit of Venus

Kepler, 1627, Avertissement aux astronomes

Mercure 1631

Mercury 1631

Paris, France



Venus 1639


Hoole, England




Manchester, England



James Gregory, Optima Promota, 1663