Written on Venus's transit of 1769
Mission of Cook
observations analysis
of the transit observations of 1769
HMARS 1757 p. 99-108 (History part)
[[ HMARS-1757
p.99-108 ]]
text is a summary of the report from Lalande (p. 232-253) on predictions
for 1769.
1757, HMARS 1757 p. 232-250 [[ HMARS-1757
p.232-253 ]]
de Lalande (1732-1807)
got deeply involved in the prediction of the transits of 1761 and
1769. In 1757, he published a Mémoire
sur les passages de Vénus (Report about Venus transits),
in which he explains a graphical method to determine the parallax
effect during Venus’ transit. He assumes a value of the solar parallax
of 10" (page 234). Next, he draws a map (page 239) and indicates
the values of the parallax with the help of different arcs that
permit a direct reading without calculations.
For the 1769 transit, Lalande
(page 244) predicted that the largest parallax differences
should occur at (Saint) Petersburg and Mexico City. He summarizes
(page 245) a few geometrical properties about the stereographic
projection : a circle on the sphere will be transformed in a circle
on the plane. Then (page 249), he connects the parallax to
the Earth mass through the “knowledge of [gravitational] attraction”
(it should be noted that, p. 249, the word "increases" should
be replaced by "decreases").
1757, World map 1769
This map titled "Mappemonde"
(world map) was published in the Science Academy Reports of 1757.
This map represents the visibility zones of the 1769 transit
in Europe, America and then Asia.
1760, Venus figure 1769
de Lalande (1732-1807)
published in 1760 a world map that represents the visibility zones
of the 1769 Venus transit in northern Europe, in America, in the
Pacific Ocean and then in Asia. Lalande
titled it "Figure du passage de
Vénus" (Venus transit figure). This map is an
improved version of the one included in the Royal Science Academy
Reports of 1757
(fig. 6
p. 253).
1764, figure of the transit [[ 20269-6
(001à026) ]]
Lalande, Explication
de la figure du passage de Vénus sur le disque du Soleil
(Explanation of the schematic of the Venus transit on the Sun’s
disc), which was observed on June 3 1769, along with the
results of the transit observed in 1761, Paris, 1764. French
text (27 p).
1763, Ph.tr. 53, p. 30 [[ Ph.tr.-53
p.30-et schémas]]
Ferguson (1710-1776)
published his predictions on the 1769 Venus transit in 1763. He
wrote that this transit will be “better” for the solar parallax
determination than the one of 1761. However, minimum distances of
the centers of the Venus and Sun’s discs will be slightly larger
in 1769 than in 1761 (10.2' instead of 9.5'). Ferguson recommended
to observe in Wardhus (= Vardö, Norway) and in the Salomon
islands (Santa Cruz island). Actually, the Tahiti island (which
was discovered in 1767) will permit to have a greater parallax.
The schematic of Ferguson [[Ph.tr.-53
p.30-et schémas]] should be compared with the
ones published for the 1761 transit (A
plain Method...) [[ 1605-029 ]].
He took into account the results from the 1761 transit and
assumes here a solar parallax value of 8.5" (instead of 10.5" in
his 1760 book).

1766, Ph.tr. 55, p. 326-344 [[ Ph.tr.-55
p.326-344 ]]
Hornsby (1733-1810),
professor in Oxford, calculated the 1769 transit predictions. He
assumed a solar parallax value of 8.7" and predicted, because of
the parallax effect, an increase of the transit duration of 11 min 40 s
in Tornea (currently : Finland) or of 11 min 19 s in Wardhus
(Vardö, northern Norway). In reality, the duration was shortened
by 12 min 53 s at Tornea (p. 334), which corresponds
to a maximum difference of more than 24 minutes in 1769 (Halley
predicted only 17 minutes in 1761, with an assumed parallax
value of 12.5"). This motivated the preparation of an expedition
to the southern seas. Less than one year and a half after the publication
of this report, the English Samuel Wallis
discovered Tahiti Island in June 1767...
1767, Report on the choice... Venus 1769 [[1628-1
(001à095) ]]
recommended to go and observe the 1769 transit in the southern Pacific
Ocean and in the tropical part of America (in particular at Saint-Luke’s
Cape in California were Chappe will be observing). Himself went
to Saint-Doming (Antilles).
Pingré Alexandre,
Mémoire sur le choix et
l’état des lieux où le passage de Vénus du
3 juin 1769 pourra être observé avec le plus d’avantage
; et principalement sur la position géographique des isles
de la mer du Sud, (Report on the choice and the status of
the sites were the June 3, 1769 Venus transit can be observed with
the best profit) Paris, 1767, in 4°, (92 p).
of 1769
authors, HMARS 1769
selection of the Royal Science Academy reports of the year 1769
encompasses a great number of observations of the transit of June
3, 1769. The most noteworthy are :
- Le
Monnier that calculated the solar parallax value should be comprised
between 7.5" and 10". He obtained this result from the combination
of observations from France, Finland (Cajanebourg = Kajaani),
and Saint-Doming island (Antilles).
HMARS-1769 p.498-504
- Pingré
observed in Saint-Doming ; the time of the 1st
contact was determined with a precision of 4 s (according to
the four observers), but later the weather became cloudy, compromising
the observations before the middle of the transit.
HMARS-1769 p.513-528
- the
Duke of Chaulnes was in Paris. In spite of the bad weather, he observed
the 1st internal contact
less than 20 minutes before sunset. "l'affluence
des Spectateurs qui troubloient beaucoup les observations par le
bruit & le mouvement continuel." “the crowd of
spectators was very annoying for the observations because of the
permanent movements and noise” [[
p.529-530 ]]
- de
Fouchy was at the Physics chamber of the king in Passy (Paris) ;
the rain, the noise and confusion did not permit him to perform
a good observation.
[[ HMARS-1769
p.531-538 ]]
- Lalande
indicated that in Brest there was a parallax difference of 2.4 s
between Brest and Paris.
[[ HMARS-1769
p.546-548 ]]
G. de
Fouchy 1770, HMARS 1769, p. 163-172 (History part)
[[ HMARS-1769
p.163-172 ]]
panegyric of Chappe d'Auteroche
(1728-1769) told by the Science Academy secretary Grandjean de Fouchy,
more than one year after his death (August 1, 1769) in November
1770. Chappe died of "une maladie
épidémique dangereuse" (a dangerous epidemic
disease) in California. After the Venus transit observation on June
3, the whole team stayed there to observe the total eclipse of Moon
(night from June 18 to 19) in order to precisely determine the longitude
of the observing site. Almost all the team members subsequently
died of the epidemic.
funeral, print

The French
mission in southern California (currently Mexico) performed excellent
observations of the Venus transit of June 3, 1769 under the supervision
of Chappe d'Auteroche. Unfortunately, most of the team members died
a few weeks later of a violent epidemic.
1772, Journey to California [[ 20140
(0001à0184) ]]
traveler story was written by Cassini iv
in 1772 from notes of Jean Chappe
d'Auteroche, who died on August 1st,
1769 in California. The second part (p. 69) [[0079 ]]
is entirely focused on the transit of Venus dated to June
3, 1770 (sic). Chappe describes the instruments used, the determination
of the geographical coordinates and the observations of the transit.
The end
of the book is a summary about the solar parallax determination,
written by Cassini iv.
He provides the observations tables of 1761 and 1769 (p. 157 to
159) and concludes a value of 8.5" (p. 168) [[0180 ]]
Chappe d'Auteroche Jean, Voyage
en Californie pour l’observation du passage de Vénus sur
le disque du Soleil, le 3 juin 1769 (Journey to California
for the Venus transit on the Sun’s disc observation) ; contains
observations of the phenomenon and the historical description of
the road taken by the author through Mexico, Paris, 1772. French
text (172 p).
authors 1769, Ph.tr. 59, p. 170-445
from the English missions and various letters from members of the
Royal Society are archived
in the issue 59 of Philosophical
transactions (1769). Nevil Maskelyne
(1732-1811) was Royal Astronomer
in Greenwich. Times are generally indicated in local time (starting
at noon). In London, only the beginning of the transit was observable,
5° above horizon, half an hour before sunset. We recommend the
following observations :
- John
Horsfall, at Middle-Temple
Hall (London) [[ Ph.tr.-59
p.170-171 ]],
- Thomas
Hornsby (1733-1810),
at Oxford [[
p.172-182 ]],
- Samuel
Horsley (1733-1806)
at Oxford, with a schematic of the black drop phenomenon p. 184 bis
("a kind of ligament")
[[ Ph.tr.-59
p.183-188 ]],
- John
Bevis (1695-1771),
at Kew (10 km west London), noticed the presence of a tiny
"trail" between Venus and
the edge of the Sun’s disc
[[ Ph.tr.-59
p.189-191 ]],
- William
Hirst, at Inner-Temple
(London), describes various phenomena he observed in India in 1761
: a "protuberance" when
the contact occurred (p. 229), an atmosphere around Venus (p. 232)
; he confirmed the lack of satellites of Venus.
[[ Ph.tr.-59
p.228-235 ]],
- Mr
Ludlam at Norton,
near Leicester (times are reported p. 239) ; the Sun’s
elevation was determined with the use of a Hadley quadrant which
indicates twice the elevation [[ Ph.tr.-59
p.236-240 ]],
- Thomas
Wright at the “île-aux-Coudres”island
(90 km from Quebec, along the Saint-Laurent river) noticed
that Venus seemed to be linked to the Sun’s disc by a "thread"
[[ Ph.tr.-59
p.273-280 ]],
- Andreas
Mayer at Gryfice
(near Szczecin, in Poland, where only the external contact was observable)
; the schematic (p. 285) shows the beginning of the entry of
Venus on the Sun’s disc, very low on the horizon, as seen through
a lens telescope (upside-down image) [[ Ph.tr.-59
p.284-285 ]],
- David
Rittenhouse (1732-1796)
at Norristown (near Philadelphia). Instants are given p. 318-320
; the 2nd internal contact
occurred after sunset ; p. 320 shows observations of Jupiter
satellites (which are used to determine the observing site longitude),
as well as the conclusion on problems due to errors in the satellites
tables ; p. 321, Rittenhouse describes a scaled schematic of
the transit prediction (assuming a solar parallax value of 8.65")
; the instant of the geocentric minimum is correct by less than
30s (p. 324) [[ Ph.tr.-59
p.289-326 ]].
- Jardine
in Gibraltar, with his observations of the Jupiter satellites and
of Antares (the heart of the Scorpion) used for the determination
of the geographical coordinates (the elevations indicated are twice
the real values, because he used a Hadley quadrant to measure them)
[[ Ph.tr.-59
p.347-348 ]],
- in
France, by various French astronomers [[ Ph.tr.-59
p.374-377 ]],
- Francis
Wollaston (1731-1815)
at East Dercham (25 km west Norwich) ; a cloudy weather masked
the internal contact that occurred just above the horizon ; the
figures presented p. 408 are related to the partial solar eclipse
of June 4 ; Wollaston drew the observed positions of Venus with
respect to the Sun’s disc (top schematic, non reversed equatorial
coordinates) [[ Ph.tr.-59
p.407-413 ]],
- Owen
Biddle and Joel Bayley
at Lewestown (Lewes, 130 km south Philadelphia, near Cape Henlope,
Delaware) [[ Ph.tr.-59
p.414-421 ]],
- Daniel
Harris at the Windsor
castle (40 km west Greenwich) ; in spite of the strong wind,
he observed a threat of light at the end of the internal contact
(p. 426) [[ Ph.tr.-59
p.422-431 ]].
(portrait), print [[ Rittenhouse\1davidrit
Rittenhouse (1732-1796)
observing in Norristown near Philadelphia.
(observatory), print [[ Rittenhouse\4ritobserv
Refuge constructed by Rittenhouse.
of Rittenhouse
schematic of the 1769 transit, calculated by David Rittenhouse for
the Norristown observation. A description is archived in the Philosophical
Transactions (cf. Ph. tr. 59 (1769), p. 321-325) [[ Ph.tr.-59
p.289-326 ]].
mission of Cook
1771, Ph.tr. 61, p. 397-421 [[Ph.tr.-61
June 1767, the English Samuel Wallis
(1728-1795) discovered numerous islands in the Pacific Ocean, among
which Otaheite (= Tahiti) he named “King George’s island” (George III).
The French Louis-Antoine de Bougainville
(1729-1811) went there in April 1768 and named the island "New Cythère".
In the process of expanding their colonies in the southern hemisphere,
the English estimated that this island was an interesting observing
site for the 1769 transit. The Admiralty
and the Royal Society
have therefore sent a mission there. The astronomer Charles Green
(1735- died in the ocean in 1771) and James Cook
(1728-1779) installed a small “observatory” in the settlement called
Fort-Venus (nowadays called Point Venus).
By independent
calculations, Green and Cook both determined the duration between
the two internal contacts (about 5.5 hours) with a precision smaller
than 20s (p. 410). Unfortunately, the “black drop” effect corrupted
the measurements of the contacts instants. Daniel Solander
(1736-1782), p. 412, was the assistant of the naturalist Joseph
Banks (1743-1820).
Different measurements of the Venus diameter lead to a value of
56.4" (p. 418). Measurements of the inclination of the
dipping needle was performed, (p. 419) as well as some
tidal measurements (p. 420) with their daily cycles (the period
of which is 24 hours) instead of the semi-daily cycle (close
to 12 hours) as in the northern Atlantic Ocean or in the English
of the black drop effect, print

from the Philosophical transactions n°61 (1771) p. 410 bis,
showing the black drop effect as observed by Cook (top) and by the
astronomer Charles Green (bottom).

of James Cook (1728-1779),
English explorer of the “southern seas”, in quest for Australia.
portrait [[ Banks
Banks (1743-1820)
is the (young) naturalist of the expedition. His assistant Daniel
Solander (1736-1782), a
student of Linné,
performed measurements of the Venus transit with Charles Green and
James Cook.
ship, print [[ Endeavour
cook21 ]]
The ship
of the expedition of Cook, (the Endeavour)
a three-master, 29 m long, where 90 people can stay. It left
Plymouth at the end of August 1768, and came back three years later
in Dover in July, 1771. In between, 34 people died (most of them
during the trip) from a dysentery epidemic that occurred in January
1771 (among them, the astronomer Charles Green).
map, print

Cook drew the map of Otaheite island (= Tahiti, or King George’s
island) 60 km long, and of the small island Moorea. Cook observed
the Venus transit at the northern point of Tahiti, called "Point-Venus"
in the Matavia (Mataval) Bay. The longitude of Point-Venus is correct
(149° 30'), but it is not the case for the other longitudes.
The latitudes indicated on the map are correct.
Bay, print [[ Endeavour
project\Matavia Bay 2-04c
The map
shows the surroundings of Point-Venus. The current town of Papeete
is located 10 km south west of Point-Venus.
print [[ Fort
Venus ]]
over-protected site from which the transit of 1769 was observed
(drawing from Sydney Parkinson,
member of the expedition).
Venus, painting [[ Cook-Point-Venus-61601]]
of Matavia Bay.
cape, painting [[ Cook-Point-Venus-61609
Viw of
the cape, north of the Tahiti island, where was installed Fort-Venus.
observations analysis
1771, manuscripts [[ C-5-29
(001à021) ]]
calculations from Lalande, performed just before (May 31st), and
just after the transit, taking into account the observations performed
from Paris (Lalande was personally in Brest) :
- p. 300
[[ 004
]] : Lalande describes his geometric method to calculate the parallax
effect. From a given observing site (as Paris for instance), the
internal contact is observed in point V, while at the very same
instant a geocentric observer see Venus in N : the parallax effect
is represented by the difference NV. Lalande calculated that the
transit should occur 7min 27s earlier in Paris (p. 301)
[[ 005 ]].
In reality she was only of 7min 11s. This mismatch comes from
the solar parallax value (9") assumed by Lalande.
- p. 311
[[ 008 ]]
: after the Paris observation, he calculated the geocentric conjunction
instant in order to improve the Venus tables (position of the orbital
- p. 370
[[ 012 ]]
: calculations performed for a Science Academy report.
- p. 373
015 ]] : calculation of Venus density ! Venus
actually has a density very close to the Earth one (5.2). Almost
all numbers presented in this page are decimal logarithms.
p. 429 [[ 016 ]]
: later, end of 1770, Lalande changed his assumption on the parallax
value (9" then 8.80" and next 8.67"). On January 21, 1771, he calculated
using a parallax value of 8.80”, that this effect should have been
of 7min 11s. This result is amazingly correct ! (p. 435)
[[ 021 ]].
Lalande, Manuscripts.
Calculations. (from 1769 to 1771).
1771, Ph.tr. 61, p. 574-579 [[ Ph.tr.-61
p.574-579 ]]
Hornsby (1733-1810),
professor at Oxford, analyzed the observations of the 1769 transit
- in Wardhus
(= Vardö northern Norway), by Hell,
- at
Kola (Northern Russia) by Rumovsky,
- at
Hudson Bay (Canada) by Wales
and Dymond,
- in
southern California (currently Mexico) by Chappe,
- at
the King George’s island (= Tahiti), by Green,
Cook and Solander.
assumed a parallax value of 8.7" (p. 576) and found 8.78" (p. 579).
He added a table containing the absolute distances of the planets
to the Sun, with 6 significant digits…
1771, HMARS 1771 p. 49-50 [[ HMARS
table 1771-1780 p. 49-50
]] (See
the article “Astronomy” at the bottom of the table of contents p. 49).
The complete
article HMARS 1771 p. 776-799 that corresponds to this pages is
not available.
analyzed observations from Tahiti, China and Russia. Assuming a
solar parallax value of 8.5", he found 8.62".
1772, HMARS 1772 p. 398-420 [[ HMARS-1772
p.398-420 ]]
Pingré (1711-1796)
observed the 1761 transit from the Rodriguez Island (in the Indian
Ocean), and the 1769 transit from Saint-Doming Island (Antilles,
where he observed only the first half due to a cloudy weather).
He deals
here with 5 complete episodes :
- in
Tahiti, with Green,
Cook and Solander,
- in
Saint-Joseph, California (nowadays called San-José del Cabo,
Mexico) by Chappe,
Doz and de
- at
the Prince of Wales Fort in Hudson Bay (Canada) by Wales
and Dymond,
- at Wardhus
(= Vardö northern Norway), by Hell,
Sajnovicz and Borgrewing,
- at
Kola (Northern Russia) by Rumowsky,
where the first contact was perceived rather than really observed.
He adds
the observation from Cajanebourg (= Kajaani, in Finland) by Planman
although some clouds slightly corrupted the observations of the
second contact. Assuming a parallax value of 8.5" (p. 408),
he found a value of 8.8" (p. 419) which he estimated to be
very approximative.
Euler 1772, Ph.tr. 62, p. 69-76 [[
p.69-76 ]]
Euler (1734-1800)
is the eldest son of Leonhard Euler
(1707-1783). As his father, he was a member of the Science Academy
of Saint-Petersburg. From observations of 1769, he estimated that
the solar parallax value is comprised between 9" and 10".
1891, Astronomical Papers [[ 2929
(0001à0137) ]]
American Simon Newcomb (1835-1909)
realised a huge work around 1890. He reconsidered all observations
from the transits of 1761 and 1769, using better longitudes determinations.
He extensively studied the instruments used and estimated the corresponding
uncertainties. Observations of 1769 are described p. 296 to 329.
The observing sites coordinates are given p. 343 to 345. Newcomb
used a semi-diameter value of the Sun of 959.78" (at 1 astronomical
unit) and 8.46" for the one of Venus (at 1 AU) (p. 348) [[ 0080 ]]
. Through an adapted mathematical process, he found a value
of the solar parallax of 8.79" +/- 0.05" (p. 402) [[ 0134
]] which corresponds to a precision smaller than 0.6 %.
Newcomb Simon, Astronomical
Papers prepared for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical
Almanac, vol II, , 1891, Part V., Discussion about Venus
transit observations in 1761 and 1769. English text (136 p).
the different observations of 1769 :
[Anonymous author]
Collectio omnium observationnum quae occasione transitus Veneris
per Solem, Petropoli, 1770. Latin text (622 p).
the transit of 1639 observed by Horrocks and Crabtree, and historic
of the transits of 1761 and 1769 :
tome 2] et [1478,
tome 4]
Montucla, J.-F. , Histoire
des mathématiques… (History of mathematics)
(includes some elements about the Venus transits), Paris (1799).
4 vol. French texts (extracts).