Written on Venus's transit of
of the transit observations of 1761
of 1761
observations analysis
of the transit observations of 1761
1663, Scholium [[gregory-p130
The Scottish
James Gregory (1638-1675)
published a treatise of
advanced optics (Optica promota)
in 1663. By a simple remark (Scholium)
at the end of proposition 87, he evokes the possibility to determine
the solar parallax : "This problem
might have some very nice applications but might be difficult to
perform from transit observations of Venus or Mercury, when the
planets shadow a very small fraction of the Sun. [during
the transit]. This could indeed
lead to the search for the Sun’s parallax."
The young
Edmond Halley (1656-1743)
is sent in 1677 at the Saint-Helen island for the observations of
Mercury’s transit, where he is the first to observe a complete transit.
Following the idea suggested by Gregory in 1663, he elaborated a
method to determine the Sun’s parallax from the measurements of
transit durations, observed from two places very far from each other.
He published
in 1716 a “fundamental” text, which will become a reference text
for all observers. This Latin text (Methodus
singularis, qua Solis parallaxis sive distantia a Terra ope Veneris
intra Solem conspiciendae tuto determinari poterit = "Singular
method to precisely determine the Sun’s parallax or its distance
to Earth by observations of Venus on the Sun"), only encompasses
the results of his calculations. The precision should reach 1/500
(quingentesimam p. 455)
so that, according to him, the time span between two internal contacts
can be determined "at less than
a 1 s precision" (etiam
absque errore unius minuti secundi
temporis, page 457). As he should be dead by 1761 (nobis
vita functis, page 460), he called for the collaboration
of all English, French, and Dutch astronomers (page 460). He assumed
a value of the Sun’s parallax of 12,5" (duodecim
secundorum cum semisse, page 456), and computed that
the transit durations will be different by 17 minutes (septendecim
minutis, page 459) between Port Nelson (90° West
London) and the Gange’s delta (90° East).
versions of this important text are presented here : the original
version from Halley, in Latin (1716), an English translation (1760),
a French translation (2003).
1716, Ph.tr.-29, 1716, p. 454-464 [[ Ph.tr.-29,
1716, p. 455-464 ]] (page 454 is missing ; the corresponding
text is reproduced below).
The beginning
of the text, at the bottom of page 454, is the following :
singularis, quâ Solis Parallaxis sive distantia à Terra,
ope Veneris intra Solem conspiciendae, tuto determinari poterit
: proposita coram Regia Societate ab Edm. Halleio J. U. D.
ejusdem Societatis Secretario.
Plurima sunt maxime quidem paradoxa, omnemque fidem apud vulgus
superantia, quae tamen adhibitis. Mathematicarum Scientiarum principiis
levi negotio enodantur. Ac sane nullum problema magis arduum
ac difficile videbitur, quam est Solis à Terra distantiam
vero proximam determinare ; quod tamen obtentis accuratis /
quibusdam observationibus...[[ Ph.tr.-29p.455-464 ]]
Figure [[ Ph.tr.-29p.428-428b]]
1716 (Ferguson, in English) [[ 1605-(014
à 026) ]]
The text
of Halley was translated from Latin to English and published in
1760 by James Ferguson (1710-1776)
in his book "Astronomy"
(see Article III, pages 316 to 327). Ferguson corrected the original
schematic of Halley by drawing the apparent trajectory of Venus
with a correct inclination with respect to the equator (14° 38'
instead of 2° 18' for the Halley version) and by using
some different notations. Please note a typographic mistake (page 325,
line 20) : it should be read 14' 41" instead of 14' 4".
Ferguson’s book which encompasses a lot of other information about
Venus transits is presented further in this text.
Ferguson James,
Astronomy explained upon Sir
Isaac Newton’s principles, and made easy to those who have
not studied mathematics. A plain method of finding the distances
of all the planets from the sun, by the transit of Venus over
the Sun’s disc, in the year 1761. 3rd
edition, London, 1764. English text (502 pages).
Halley 1716 (in French) [[ Halleytrad ]]
No French translation of the text from Halley was published so far. This comes from the fact that the French astronomers that prepared the 1761 transit observations knew perfectly well Latin ; hence they did not need any complete French translation. Then, the methods used to compute parallaxes evolved since 1716 and were different than the one used by Halley.
A complete Latin to French translation of the text is presented here. The schematic that comes along [[ fichier-schema-Halley-fr.bmp ]] is a French translation of the schematic of the original article from Halley.
Doppelmayer 1742, Atlas [[ 00047-(003à005) ]]

The German Johann Gabriel Doppelmayer (1671-1750), published in Nüremberg in 1742 a compilation of several astronomical diagrams : Atlas novus coelestis. On plate 7 (Phaenomena motuum irregularium) [[ 003 ]], he drew the heliocentric orbits of Mercury, Venus and the Earth, with the retrograde motion loops for the year 1710 (inner conjunction with the Sun). He presents the schematics of the Venus transit expected for 1761 (fig. iii), and the one of the Mercury transit of November 1710 (fig. iv), which was actually not visible in Europe.
Plate 9 (Motus in coelo spirales) [[004 ]] represents the geocentric orbits of the Sun, Mercury and Venus, clearly showing their distance variations to the Earth. Doppelmayer drew several retrograde motion loops for Mercury in 1712 (February 5, June 6 and October 6, 1712) and for Venus (June 20, 1713 and January 27, 1715). These two last loops are the closer to the Earth, and are presented in the middle of the figure. On the allegoric drawing, Mercury (right) and Venus (left) are on seesaws, pushed by the Sun…
Fig. 9 on Plate 13 [[ 005 ] ]] is not a good reproduction of the Horrocks drawing of the Venus transit of 1639 : the position of the planet on the Sun's disc is wrong.
Doppelmayer J.
G., Atlas novus coelestis,
Nüremberg, 1742, in Latin.
world map, Mercury 1753
Delisle (1688-1768)
drew a map of the world indicating the visibility zones of the Venus
transit of May 6, 1753 in Asia, and then in Europe and Africa.
manuscripts 1753 and 1760 [[ A-3-12-34b-(001à039)
of the memorandum read at the Science Academy in 1760 : "La Description
et l'usage de la mappemonde dressée pour le passage de Vénus
sur le disque du Soleil qui est attendu le 6 juin 1761". (Description
and use of the world map established for the transit of Venus on
the Sun’s disc, expected on June 6, 1761)
manuscript [[ A-3-12-34b-(037)
]], from May 6, 1753 : "Avis très importants aux astronomes
sur le passage de Vénus au devant du Soleil qu'ils attendent
le 6 juin 1761" (Very important warning to astronomers about the
transit of Venus in front of the Sun, expected on June 6, 1761).
Delisle, Manuscripts
1753 and 1761 : Mémoires sur le passage de Vénus
de 1761 (Memorandum on the Venus transit of 1761).
HMARS 1757 p. 77-99 (History part) [[HMARS-1757
p.76-99 ]]
These pages describe the history of previous
Mercury and Venus transits and the preparation of the missions of
1761, in particular the choice of Tobolsk and Rodriguez Island observing
sites (pages 89 to 93).
from Lalande predicted a time span of 17 minutes between the
instants of the first internal contact observed at the Mecca and
at the Easter Island, which are two sites nearly located at the
antipodes (p. 88). In reality, the transit occurred during
the night at the Easter Island.
1757, HMARS 1757 p. 232-253 [[
HMARS-1757 p.232-253 ]]
de Lalande (1732-1807)
got deeply involved in the prediction of transits of 1761 and 1769.
In 1757, he published a Mémoire
sur les passages de Vénus (Memorandum on Venus transits),
in which he explains a graphical method to determine the parallax
effect during Venus’ transit. He assumes a value of the solar parallax
of 10" (page 234). Next, he draws a map (page 239) and indicates
the values of the parallax with the help of different arcs that
permit a direct reading without calculations.
For the 1769 transit, Lalande (page 244)
predicted that the largest parallax differences should occur at
(Saint) Petersburg and Mexico City. He summarizes (page 245)
a few geometrical properties about the stereographic projection
: a circle on the sphere will be transformed in a circle on the
plane. Then (page 249), he connects the parallax to the Earth
mass through the “knowledge of [gravitational] attraction”
(it should be noted that, p. 249, the word "increases" should
be replaced by "decreases").
de Thury 1757, HMARS 1757 p. 326-335
[[ HMARS-1757
p.326-335 ]]
Cassini de Thury,
called Cassini III,
(1714-1784) focused his interest on the choice of the observing
sites for the 1761 missions of the Science Academy, as well as the
instruments to be used to observe the internal contacts of the transit
in the best way possible.
1760, A plain method [[ 1605-(001
à 055) ]]
English James Ferguson
(1710-1776) published in 1760 (here, 3rd edition of 1764) an outstanding
study of the 1761 transit, with an explanation of the Halley method
(page 316) [[014 ]]
. He extensively describes a graphic method
than can be followed step by step (page 329) [[ 029 ]] with
the help of figure xvi
[[ 028 ]]
to determine the parallax effect during the transit. He estimates
the precision to 1/400 (page 340) [[040 ]].

The map (figure xvii)
[[043> ]]
indicates the instants of internal contacts
in every places on Earth, at the London time, which were computed
assuming a solar parallax of 10.5”.
Ferguson James, Astronomy
explained upon Sir Isaac Newton’s principles, and made easy
to those who have not studied mathematics. A plain method of finding
the distances of all the planets from the sun, by the transit of Venus
over the Sun’s disc, in the year 1761. An account of Mr. Horrox’s
observation of the transit of Venus in the year 1639 ; and of
the distances of all the planets from the Sun, as deduced from observations
of the transit in the year 1761, 3rd
edition, London, 1764. Illustrated text in English (502 pages).
Gentil 1760, Journal des Sçavans (mars 1760) p. 132-141
p.132-142 ]]
Le Gentil de
la Galaisière (1725-1792) first summarizes the state of knowledge
about transits. He quotes Horrocks (Horroxe), Kepler, Gassendi,
Lansberge (1561-1632)
and then Halley, and explains his method.
Le Gentil indicates he is sent in mission in Pondichéry,
India (where the Oriental India Company took place, near Madras,
by then) by the Royal Academy of Science (page 319). He computed
(page 141) that the parallax effect there should be of about
6 minutes (given a solar parallax of 10") for the coming in
and out of the center of Venus’ disc.
port view, print [[ Compagnie-des-Indes-221484
on east cost of India, where the “Compagnie française des
Indes orientales” (the French company of Oriental India) takes place.
The Royal Academy of Sciences has sent Le Gentil there to observe
the 1761 transit.
1760, Journal des Sçavans (mars 1760) p. 142-144 [[
p.142-144 ]]
(1722-1784) was a student of Joseph-Nicolas Delisle
(1688-1768) who extensively worked on the Mercury and Venus transits
of 1761. Trébuchet explained two geometric mistakes Halley
did in his Memorandum of 1716. This errors were already mentioned
in the Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences pour 1757.
world map, Venus 1761

Delisle (1688-1768)
draws a world map indicating the visibility zones of the Venus transit
of June 6, 1761 in Asia, and then in Europe and Africa.
: The 7-years war [[ carte-1758-64415
During the 7-years war (1756-1763),
France and allies are opposed to the English and Prussian coalition
on the sea and in the colonies. When the Paris treaty was signed
(1763), English ruled the seas.
of 1761
HMARS 1761, p. 98-117 (History part) [[ HMARS-1761
p.98-117 ]]
This pages are a good summary of the different
observations performed in 1761, in France and abroad. The comparison
of the measurements allow to bracket the solar parallax value between
9" and 10".
authors 1761, HMARS 1761, p. 65-486 (Memorandum Part)
compilation of the Royal Academy of Science memoranda of the year
1761 encompasses a great number of reports on observations of the
June 6, 1761 transit. The most noteworthy are :
- Cardinal
de Luynes at Sens
[[ HMARS-1761
- Le
Monnier (1715-1799) at the Saint-Hubert castle, near Rambouillet,
in the company of king Louis XV
[[ HMARS-1761
p. 72-76
- Maraldi
at Paris Observatory ; G.-D. Maraldi
(1709-1788) is the grand-nephew of Jean-Dominique Cassini
[[ HMARS-1761
p. 76-77
- Lacaille
(1713-1762) at Conflans-sous-Carrières (= Charenton, near
[[ HMARS-1761
p. 78-81
- Lalande
at Luxembourg palace noticed (p. 84) the "black drop"
[[ HMARS-1761
p. 81-86
- Le Monnier
and then Lalande computed the parallax value by the combination
of Paris and Rodriguez Island observations
[[ HMARS-1761
p. 88-89
Grandjean de Fouchy
(1707-1788), at La Muette (Paris), at the physics chamber
of the king ; he noticed (p. 100) the elongation of Venus’ disc
during the second internal contact
[[ HMARS-1761
p. 96-105
- Lalande
indicated that his calculations published in La
Connaissance des Temps pour 1761 (the knowledge of times
for 1761) are late by “more than half an hour” compared to the observations,
due to still inaccurate corrections performed on Halley tables
[[ BdL/1à12.html
]], [[ HMARS-1761
p. 107-111
- Chappe’s
journey to Tobolsk (Siberia) with his Venus transit observations
(p. 360), (see next),
- Calculations
of the solar parallax by Pingré
(see next, in the data analysis part).
1761, HMARS 1761 p. 337-377 [[ HMARS-1761
p.337-372 ]], [[ HMARS-1761
p.373-377 ]]
Chappe d'Auteroche
(1728-1769) describes his mission in Siberia. His report on
his winter journey through Vienna, Saint Petersburg and Moscow
(5000 km in almost 5 months) encompasses interesting geographical
and ethnological aspects.
first determined the geographical coordinates of Tobolsk. The partial
Sun eclipse of June, 3 allowed him to obtain the longitude of the
place (4h 24min 12s east of Paris) because Jupiter was too
low on the horizon, shorter before sunrise (by then, longitudes
were mainly obtained thanks to the observation of Jupiter satellites).
The Venus
transit observation is outstanding : the duration between the two
internal contacts is close from 15s to the value obtained from modern
calculations. Chappe extensively describes the presence of a ring
around Venus, which sometimes shows as a croissant (Figure p. 377).
Measurements of Chappe are with no doubts the best performed in
1761 for the Venus transit.
in Tobolsk, painting [[ Chappe-2701bd
Jean Chappe
d'Auteroche (1728-1769) observing in Tobolsk (Siberia). The
instrument represented on this painting is a quadrant (90° aperture).
1761, Ph.tr. 52, p. 208-213 [[Ph.tr.-52
p.208-213 ]]
Wargentin (1717-1783)
observing in Stockholm. He described (p. 213) an optical phenomenon
during the second internal contact that might be due to the presence
of an atmosphere around Venus.
1761, Ph.tr. 52, p. 213-216 [[ Ph.tr.-52
p.213-216 ]]
describes various observations of the 1761 transit performed in
Sweden and Finland. Abo (= Turku) is the former capital of Finland.
Hernösand is located close to the Botnie gulf.
1761, Ph.tr. 52, p. 216-220 [[ Ph.tr.-52
p.216-220 ]]
de Lalande transmits a summary of his observations performed in
Paris at the Luxembourg palace, to the Royal
1761, Ph.tr. 52, p. 221-225 [[ Ph.tr.-52
p.221-225 ]]
Ferner (1724-1802),
astronomer at Upsala (Sweden), came to France to observe with
Fouchy at the Saint-Hubert castle (near Rambouillet) in the company
of king Louis XV (see HMARS 1761, p. 96) [[ HMARS-1761
p.72-76 ]]. He presents
here various observations performed in and near Paris ; he
describes (p. 223) a “glimmer” around Venus during the second
internal contact.
We can
notice that Father Noël (p. 222) is a Dominican, physicist
of the king.
1761, Ph.tr. 52, p. 231 [[ Ph.tr.-52
p.231 ]]
Planman (1724-1803)
observing at Cajaneburg (nowadays called Kajaani in Finland).
1761, Ph.tr. 52, p. 371-377 [[Ph.tr.-52
p.371-377 ]]
Pingré (1711-1796)
observed at Rodriguez Island, in the Indian Ocean, 600 km east of
the Ile-de-France (nowadays called Mauritius). The observations
of the first internal contact shortly after sunrise failed because
of a cloudy weather.

Bradley (1693-1762),
who succeeded to Halley as a Greenwich Royal Astronomer in 1743,
had already discovered the light aberration (1727) and the earth
axis nutation (1748). He was one of the main person in charge of
the calculations during the English missions for the 1761 transit.

Maskelyne (1732-1811)
observing in Saint-Helen Island. When Bradley died in 1762, Maskelyne
became Royal Astronomer.
St George in Madras, print [[ pu1845
The English
company of oriental India has a agency near Madras. There, Hirst
observed the transit of 1761.
and Dixon, print [[ Mason-Dixon-26772bd
Mason (1728-1786)
and Jeremiah Dixon
(1733-1779) observed the transit of 1761 at the Cape of Good Hope
where only the planet coming out of the Sun’s disc was observable.
As astronomers
and geodesians, they drew in 1763 the "Mason
and Dixon Line" which delimits the Pennsylvania and Maryland
states along a geographical parallel that goes across the Appalachian
1762, Brevis Expositio
[[ 20269-5
(001 à 028) ]]
Russian Stefen Rumovsky
(1734-1815) observed at Selenginsk, in Siberia, 200 km east
of Irkoutsk, near the Baykal lake. His results are described in
French by Pingré in the “Mémoires de l'Académie
des Sciences” (Reports of the Science Academy) for 1764 [[ HMARS 1764 p.115-116 ]]
[[ HMARS 1764 p.339-343 ]].
269 (5)]
Rumovsky Stephen, Brevis
Expositio observationum occasione transitus Veneris per solem in
urbe Seleginsk anno (1761) instituterum, 1762, in 4°,
in Latin.
1762, Transitus Veneris
[[ 20659-1
(001à021) ]] and [[20205
(001à137) ]]
Hell (1720-1792)
observed the transit of 1761 in Vienna (Austria). He went to Vardö
(North of Norway) for the transit of 1769.
Hell Maximiliano,
Transitus Veneris per discum Solis,
anni 1761 ; calculis definitus et methodis observandi illustratus,
Vindobanae, no date. Latin Text(18 p).
Hell Maximiliani, Observatio
transitus Veneris ante discum Solis die 5ta Junii 1761….
Observationi bus ejusdem transitus Veneris factis à variis
per Europam Viris in observando exercitatis, cum Appendice aliarum
nullarum observationum », Vindobonae, s.d. Latin text
(124 p).
1764, De Venere
[[ 2188-(001à030) ]]
Danish Gottfried Heinsius
(1709-1769) observing in Leipzig.
Heinsio, G., De
Venere in Sole visa, Lipsiae anno 1761, d. 6 Iuni, styl nov horis
matutionis temp civili, Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum
Imperialis Petropolitanae, [Saint-Petersbourg], X, 1764, Latin
text (28 pages)
Gentil 1779, Journey [[ 2221-1-(0001à0753) ]]
and [[ 2221-2-(0001à0894 ]]
at the Academy, Guillaume Hyacinthe Le
Gentil de la Galaisière (1725-1792) extensively described
his scientific and geographic observations (more than 1600 pages
in 2 volumes) during his 11 years trip to the Indian Ocean, from
1760 to 1771.
his astronomical observations, he noted several Sun and Moon eclipses
as well as an occultation of Antares on October 10th, 1763 (tome
2, p. 589 and Figure on Plate 10) [[ 2221-2-0605 ]]
and [[2221-2-0890 ]]
. Le Gentil used this data to determine the geographical coordinates
of his observatory of Foulpointe (Madagascar). The inclination of
the magnetized needle is
extensively measured. These measurements are useful for navigation
matters. Please refer to the indexes at the end of each volume (13
and 16 pages) [[ 221-1-0725 ]]
and [[ 221-2-0861 ]].
tome 1] et [2221,
tome 2]
Le Gentil, Voyage dans
les mers de l'Inde (Journey to the Indian seas), ordered
by the king on the occasion of the Venus transits of June 6 1761,
and June 3, 1769. By M. Le Gentil,
from the Royal Academy of Sciences. Paris, 1779 and 1781, (2 volumes,
1620 p).
observations analysis
1764, Astronomy [[5098-02
(001 à 055) ]]
Astronomy treatise (1764) is of high scientific level. In Book 11,
Lalande describes transits of Venus and Mercury, the methods to
predict them and how to determine parallaxes. Lalande observed the
coming of Venus out of the Sun’s disc during the 1761 transit in
Paris. He computed the solar parallax by the combination of the
observations from Pingré (Rodriguez Island), Chappe (in Tobolsk)
and from the English Mason (at Cape of Good Hope). He found a parallax
of 9" (p. 800).
The great ellipse (Fig. 126) and the abacus (Fig. 131, plate xii
page 805) [[ 053 ] ]]
allow to graphically determine the parallax effect in any place
on Earth. Plate xiv
[[ 055 ]]
represents a sextant (1/6 of a circle) with drawings from Paris
and Greenwich Observatories.
Lalande, J. J. L.
de, Astronomie, tome II,
Paris, 1764. French text (52 pages).
1761, HMARS 1761 p. 413-486 [[ HMARS-1761
p. 413-433
]], [[ HMARS-1761
p. 433-439
]], [[ HMARS-1761
p. 439-450
]]), [[ HMARS-1761
p. 450-483
]], [[ HMARS-1761
p. 483-486
Pingré (1711-1796)
observed in the Rodriguez Island (Indian Ocean). He details here
the observations performed in various sites in order to determine
the solar parallax he assumed to be equal to 10" (p. 450).
He successively used three methods of calculation (p. 456).
It is worth noting that in 1761, the longitude difference between
Paris and Greenwich was still 9 min 10 s (p. 472)
instead of 9 min 21 s. This bad knowledge of longitudes
is one of the main reasons why the solar parallax determination
from Venus transits was so poor. Pingré concluded to a mean
value of the solar parallax of 10.60” (p. 486).
1761, Ph.tr. 52, p. 611-628 [[ Ph.tr.-52
p.611-628 ]]
Short (1710-1768)
used various observations performed in Europe and at Cape of Good
Hope to determine the solar parallax he assumed to be equal to 8.5"
(p. 614). In the table (p. 615), the D.M. acronym means
"difference of meridians" or longitude difference, expressed in
duration (hours, minutes and seconds of time).
Short compared instants of the second internal contact (during the
coming out of the planet), observed in various sites. He concluded
that the parallax is 8.69" (p. 618) then 8.65" (p. 621).
He provides the table of geographical coordinates (p. 624)
he used in his calculations. It is worth noting that Paris is supposed
to be located at 9 min 10 s east of Greenwich (instead
of 9 min 21 s). Longitudes are almost correct up to about
0.3°. Western sites in America, like St John's Newfoundland
or Jamaica will be chosen as observing sites for the 1769 transit.
1763, Ph.tr. 53, p. 1-2 [[ Ph.tr.-53
p.1-2 ]]
James Short determined a solar parallax equal to 8.65" (Ph. tr.
1761, p. 621), Peter Daval
computed the Sun’s distance and found about 94.4 millions miles.
It is interesting to note the 9 significant digits...
1763, Ph.tr. 53, p. 300-345 [[ Ph.tr.-53
p.300-345 ]]
Short (1710-1768)
has completed his previous report (Ph. tr. 52, p. 611-628)
and computed a solar parallax using the 8.5" value hypothesis :
- using
the instant of the second internal contact (before the coming out)
: 8.57" (p. 326),
- using
the duration between two internal contacts, observed from only 8
sites : 8.61" (p. 331),
- using
the minimum distance between the centres of Venus and the Sun’s
discs : 8.56" (p. 334).
He concluded
a value of 8.56" with a 1 % uncertainty (p. 340) although
Halley targeted a 0.2 % (1/500) uncertainty. Short was obliged
to correct (or "modify") some values of the measured instants or
some values of the longitudes. He next describes two geometrical
methods to determine the minimum distances of the centres of the
Venus and Sun’s discs from the transit duration (p. 343 to
344). The first method is not correct, as the velocity of the motion
of Venus along the chord is
not constant.
1763, Ph.tr. 53, p. 467-495 [[ Ph.tr.-53
p.467-495 ]]
Hornsby (1733-1810),
professor in Oxford, computed the solar parallax using a value of
9", by the use of the three usual methods (total duration of the
transit, minimum distances of the discs centres and internal contacts
instants difference).
transits of 1723, 1736, 1743 and 1753 allowed to improve the longitudes
determinations (p. 482). Hornsby concluded to a parallax value
of 9.7" (p. 494). Pingré appreciated this report in
HMARS 1765 p. 1-34 [[ HMARS-1765
p.1-34 ]]
memorandum from Alexandre Pingré
(1711-1796) is a long criticism of the memorandum from Short
53, p. 300-345 ]],
which is not explicitly named before page 24. This criticism is
focused on the inaccuracies of the longitudes or instants used by
James Short that are modified during the calculations without any
obvious reasons. Pingré assumed again a parallax of 10" and
concluded to a new value of 10.1", using the observations recently
received from Pekin (p. 32). Pingré added as a post
scriptum (p. 33) that he appreciates Hornsby’s memorandum
53, p. 467-495 ]].
1891, Astronomical Papers [[
2929 (0001à0137) ]]
American Simon Newcomb (1835-1909)
realised a huge work around 1890. He reconsidered all observations
from the transits of 1761 and 1769, using better longitudes determinations.
He extensively studied the instruments used and estimated the corresponding
uncertainties. He analysed the results obtained and concluded, through
an adapted mathematical process, to a value of the solar parallax
of 8.79" +/- 0.05" (p. 402) [[ 0134 ]]
corresponding to a precision smaller than 0.6 %. The 1761 observations
are described from p. 269 to 295.
Newcomb Simon, Astronomical
Papers prepared for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical
Almanac, vol II, , 1891, Part V., Discussion of observations
of the transit of Venus in 1761 and 1769. English text (136 p).