The Venus transit on June 8, 2004


This page reminds you on what has been done around the event
  • Lessons are provided for teachers (in french) at Paris observatory on December 10, 2003 and on January 28, February 19, March 31, April 28, May 12 and 26, 2004. For information on the cursus, please click here. For more information on the conditions and the registration, please click here. For registration, please click here.
  • Public lectures:
    • Astronomers are available to give public lectures on the transit of Venus: to ask for a lecturer, send an e-mail to venus @
    • Public lectures (in french) are provided at Paris observatory and at the Institut d'astrophysique starting on June 2.
    • Sites for public observation are open on June 8, 2004 for those having no instruments to observe the event. Click here to get the list of the sites which have welcome everyone for the observation on June 8.
    • A colloquium on the history of sciences on the past observations of the transit of Venus during the XIXth century was held on June 4, 2004 at Paris observatory. Contact : David Daubin at for more information.
    • A contest has been organized among high schools, amateur groups or any one interested: a video record explaining your activities performed for the transit of Venus will allow to be chosen (one per european country). Twelve winners have been invited to the concluding meeting in October, 2004, in Paris. The first three winners are invited to a trip to Paranal, in Chilean Andes where are some of the largest telescopes in the world, run by ESO.

last update: January 1, 2008
contact: vt2012 (at)

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