2004-2012: the transits of Venus
Make a virtual observation of the transit of Venus

  • observe a contact at the beginning or at the end of the transit
    • if you wish to determine yourself the timing of the contact from images:
        - look at the images of the database and select two sites of observation well-situated on Earth (educational sheet n°06, in french).
        Attention, for the access to the database, you need a login which will be provided to you by asking by e-mail at venus @ imcce.fr.
        - interpolate the images to determine the timing of the contacts using the date in UTC of each image.
    • if you prefer to find directly the timings that you need:
        - choose two contacts from two different sites in the database well-situated on Earth (educational sheet n°06, in french)
        - select the corresponding timings in the database.
        Attention, for the access to the database, you need a login which will be provided to you by asking by e-mail at venus @ imcce.fr.
    • calculate the Astronomical Unit
        - use the formulae of the (educational sheet n°05b):
        • using the Delisle's method needing only the observation of the same contact from two different sites
        • using the Halley's method needing the observation of two complete duration of the transit from two different sites (the observation of two symetrical contact -beginning and end- of the transit)

  • observe Venus in front of the Sun during the transit
    • choose an image in the database (from any site).
      Attention, for the access to the database, you need a login which will be provided to you by asking by e-mail at venus @ imcce.fr.
    • iterate the operation with an image from the same site, and after from another site. Compare the results and make averages to get the final value of the Astronomical Unit.

 last update: January 13, 2005
 contact: venus @ imcce.fr

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